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Fall and Halloween Updates at the Abode

Every year the same thing happens. My most favorite time of the year rolls around and then it FLIES by. Like, in the blink of an eye. How is possible that it is already October?! And why is it still 90 degrees outside (sadly, I am not exaggerating on the temperature one bit - the high is 90 here today!) Fall just goes so fast and then BOOM the holidays are here and over in a flash! Every year I swear that I am going to slow down, make time for trying new recipes, doing fun crafts and being more organized for the holidays and every year it still feels like a whirlwind. Regardless, I still love fall and all of the cozy feelings and anticipation of the holidays around the corner.

First off, here are a few fun Fall/Halloween items to get you inspired in your own home...and I also took a couple of shots of the start of our own Halloween decorating here in our Abode.

fall and halloween finds for the home

The kids have been talking NON-STOP about Halloween this year which is so cute to hear them talk all about mummies, witches, ghosts and goblins. I waited until October to pull out the Halloween decorations and watching them get so excited with each thing I pulled out has been the BEST thing! I've only really gotten to decorating the playroom so far but here are a few shots of how things are shaping up so far. First, here are my little pumpkins watching a special Halloween show as a treat in their little pumpkin pj's. Wish I could just freeze time.

kids in pumpkin pjs

I bought this "countdown to Halloween" calendar right after Forrest was born and this is the first year they have really understood it. Moving the spider each day and practicing our numbers has been a big hit!

countdown to Halloween calendar

Back when I was on maternity leave with only one child I seemed to have a little more free time on my hands and made this adorable Halloween garland from a kit from Paper Source. Four years later it is still holding up and still as cute as ever to me.

paper monster garland

I got our Halloween tree up yesterday. The kids helped me decorate it and squealed with delight at each ornament I pulled out. I'm kind of anticipating a tragic crash and burn scenario of the whole thing coming down either by one of them pulling it over or by a rogue ball or toy flying through the air and knocking it but it has been up over 24 hours so far. Fingers crossed I didn't just jinx it!

Halloween Tree

We still have spooky spider lights and fun things to do outside but I'm waiting until we get a little closer to Halloween before we go all out!

Lastly, in case you missed it, earlier this fall I had the pleasure of working on two articles/tablescapes for easy, fun and stylish ways to entertain for Halloween along with my friend Kayte Fry, the talented food blogger/recipe creator and food stylist behind Southern Fryed Bliss. The first was an article that was featured in Suburban Living Magazine, "Host a Halloween Gathering on a Not-So-Scary Budget".

The second feature was for Raleigh Mom's Blog where we offered some fun suggestions for hosting a kid-friendly Halloween Happy Hour - "The Witching Hour." It's full of easy DIYs and crafts you can do with the kids and kid and adult pleasing festive recipes. Check it out!

Hope everyone has a wonderful (and hopefully cooler!) weekend!

xo, Cameron

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