I'm working on decorating a beach house for a dear friend. Right now we are focused on the master bedroom. They already purchased a set of bedroom furniture and I found some great navy and white lamps for them so I'm using those items as a jumping off point. Since it is at the beach and it is a small space, I just want to keep the room simple and bright. They are a young, fun family and I want that to be reflected as well. We have multiple projects going on in both their beach house and their permanent home so I trying to be cognizant of the budget while giving them a look they want.
One wall in the bedroom is covered in white shiplap so it already has some great natural texture.

Here's the bedroom furniture they already purchased:
And here are the lamps I found (at Home Goods!) for $100 for the pair:

We will keep the bedding very simple, soft and easily washable for the beach. I have this Pottery Barn essential white bedding in my own home and love it. It is affordable, soft and so simplistic.

I found this Brunschwig & Fils Les Touches lumbar pillow and my friend was as into it as I was. Even though it is technically an animal print, I feel like it almost reads a little bit like ocean waves (or maybe I'm just telling myself that so I can squeeze some animal print in!).

I found this awesome vintage 80's bench today that we are going to reupholster. I do want to find a fun navy and white print but also want to find something that leans more navy to a) contrast with the white bedding and b) to ensure it doesn't show dirt too easily.

We will find a fun print for the bench. And to keep things from feeling too matchy-matchy, we might do a fun pop of color with some red cording or trim.
In my opinion, having at least one thing custom in a space is worth the investment and breathes personality and life into a space. Incorporating vintage items can be a cost effective way of doing this and will ensure the space has character. This isn't the vibe we are going for but it will give you an idea of how the cording would pop against the fabric:

Lastly, they need either some art or mirrors to go over the bedside tables. I think I am leaning art but some modern round mirrors could be a fun play on a porthole without being a beachy cliché. Something like this one:

If they go the art route, I think any of these could be fun:
*Adorned Abode readers can enjoy a 15% discount off any of the beautiful prints from BeachHouseGallery's Etsy shop by using code ADORNEDABODE.
To give them an idea of my vision of the space, I put together a little mood board for them. I am excited to see the end result!